11/5/2014 12:00:00 AM True to life dice rolling on the web By Chris Venus Most computers use Pseudo-random number generators to generate random numbers. These work by getting a seed (most often the current time...
11/4/2014 12:34:18 PM Can rats replace financial traders? By Chris Venus Its often said that bankers and others are not much better than random chance. Some do really well but that is just statistics at work. ...
8/29/2014 9:52:58 AM Hello Kitty is not a cat - she's a British school kid By Chris Venus Now I have to admit I had missed this. I am still slightly confused as to why she is very cat-like... I did like the assertion...
6/26/2014 12:15:24 PM Breathtaking photos of models posing 25 meters underwater in the Bali waters By Gaya Gajewska This epic photo shoot was organised by Canadian photographer Benjamin Von Wong. In order to pull it of he involved 2 models, 7 safety...
6/26/2014 9:51:12 AM Piggyback Marketing By Chris Venus Piggyback marketing like this is an interesting phenomenon. I guess its trying to get attention by aligning yourself with other stuff...
6/25/2014 3:56:37 PM Why we should think about more than money By Chris Venus Scotland's independence comes and goes in the news at the moment and Tim Harford has some observations from the economist point of view....
6/23/2014 11:06:44 AM New drive thru safari sort of... By Chris Venus This is the kind of thing that you just don't believe on first reading. Sadly this seems to be breaking news at present so I will have to...
6/16/2014 10:09:22 AM Cute owl riding a hand By Chris Venus Here is a cute owl sitting on somebody's hand as they work. Or draw. Or do something. It reminds me a bit of when cat's sit on keyboards...
6/16/2014 10:09:13 AM Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel By Chris Venus I have no problem with Christian teachings of their Creation myths but they are part of religious education, not science. ...
5/27/2014 3:31:02 PM Blue honey? By Chris Venus Its interesting to see bees having problems with additives affecting their honey. I wonder if they care about the colour it turns out or...
5/21/2014 10:49:11 AM Some excellent sarcastic reasons to vote UKIP By Chris Venus I've never been a fan of UKIP. Seems a lot of people on twitter aren't either. They have abducted a UKIP attempt to get a hashtag...
5/8/2014 2:41:24 PM Octopus escapologist By Chris Venus There are several things I like about this video: It has an octopus. The octopus is able to get out of the jar (both physically...
5/2/2014 11:27:52 AM How To Make The Best Breakfast Cupcakes Ever By Chris Venus Bacon and egg "cakes". That's pretty tasty looking...
4/30/2014 1:28:32 PM Formal apology with added insults By Chris Venus An excellent non-apology. I can't help but think they might get in even more trouble for this though...
4/17/2014 9:34:40 AM This looks pretty badass and futuristic By Chris Venus New US navy destroyer that can pretend to be a fishing boat and will one day have a railgun. And just generally looks badass....
4/17/2014 9:34:37 AM Ice cream into muffins in one easy step... By Chris Venus A great suggestion on how to turn Ice cream into muffins by just adding flour. They talk about using vanilla icecream but I'm wondering...